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Volume 29

The 29th Algonquian Conference was held at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, ON, in October 1997. Twenty-nine of the papers presented at the conference are included in the Papers of the Twenty-ninth Algonquian Conference, edited by David H. Pentland, published by the University of Manitoba.

Pp. xi, 372. Illus., maps 9×6″ (paperback) ISSN 0031-5671; v. 29.


Christian Artuso

Language Change Across four Generations of an Algonquin Family: Some Preliminary Findings

George F. Aubin

Kinship Terms in Golden Lake Algonquin

Leora Bar-El

Intonational Pauses in Plains Cree

Eleanor M. Blain

The Role of Hierarchies and Alignment in Direct/Inverse

Robert Bryce

Bible Translation in Algonquian Languages

Barbara Burnaby, Marguerite MacKenzie and Luci Bobbish Salt

Factors in Aboriginal Mother Tongue Education: The Cree School Board Case

William Cowan

Delaware Vocabulary in the Works of Conrad Richter

Regna Darnell

Rethinking the Concepts of Band and Tribe, Community and Nation: An Accordion Model of Nomadic Native American Social Organization

David A. Ezzo and Mike Moskowitz

Black Beaver

David Ghere

Subsistence or Strategy? Cattle Killing and Eastern Abenaki Migration, 1725 to 1760

Christopher Hannibal-Paci

“Officers of the HBC, Missionaries and Other Intelligent Persons in the District of Keewatin”: Lake Winnipeg Sturgeon as an Aboriginal Resource

Bill Jancewicz and Marguerite MacKenzie

Preverbs in Naskapi: Function and Distribution

Josephiine Kaczmarek

The Ojibwe Dream Dance

Lawrence T. Martin

Simon Pokagon: Charlatan or Authentic Spokesman for the 19th-Century Anishinaabeg?

Allan K. McDougall

Maintaining First Nation Identity in the Face of Statist Discource

Dennis H. McPherson and J. Douglas Rabb

Transformative Philosophy and Indigenous Thought: A Comparison of Lakota and Ojibwa World Views

Alvin Hamblen Morrison

Dawnland Diaspora: Wabanaki Dynamics for Survival

Cath Oberholtzer

All Dolled Up: The Encapsulated Past of Cree Dolls

Keller D. Paap and Howard D. Paap

Ishkigamizigewin: An Ojibwe Rite of Spring

Michael M. Pomedli

‘Trick of Treat-y?’ Treaty #3, Rice, and Manitous

Richard J. Preston and John S. Long

Apportioning Responsibility for Cumulative Changes: a Cree Community in Northeastern Ontario

Craig Proulx

Justice as Healing: Current Critiques

Richard A. Rhodes

The Syntax and Pragmatics of Ojibwe mii

Blair A. Rudes

Resolution to Some Uncertain Wampano (Quiripi) Etymologies

Nicholas N. Smith

Stories Told at Breakup, Moose Factory 1983

Jeffrey Mühlbauer

The Speaker’s Knowledge and Obviation in Plains Cree

Nicholas N. Smith

Maine’s Indians and the State: A Survey of the Challenges

Jan P. van Eijk

Salish and Algonquian: A Possible Relationship Revisited

Nicholas N. Smith

Stories Told at Breakup, Moose Factory 1983

Ruth Swan and Edward A. Jerome

The Collin Family at Thunder Bay: A Case Study of Métissage

Rhonda Telford

How the West was Wond: Land Transactions Between the Anishnabe, the Huron and the Crown in Southwestern Ontario

List Philips Valentine

Changing Perspectives: Visions from James Evans’ Diaries

Willard Walker

Some Wabanaki Beliefs and Practices with Non-Algonquian Parallels: the “Red Man”, Horned, Slimy Monsters, and Shavings Steeped in War