The following is a cumulative index by author. It includes the works of all authors that have been published in the Papers of the Algonquian Conference/Actes du Congrès des Algonquinistes. These pages are no longer being updated. Last updated 2007.


Hack, Jamie
Jamie Hack & J. Dean Mellow
2007  A Functional Analysis of the Acquisition of Oji-Cree (Severn Ojibwe). 28:272-288.
Haefeli, Evan
Evan Haefeli & Kevin Sweeney
1994  Wattanummon’s World: Personal and Tribal Identity in the Algonquian Diaspora c. 1660-1712. 25:212-224.
Hamm, Doug
Doug Hamm & Louis Bird
2000  Amoe: Legends of the Omushkegowak. 31:144-160.
Hammond, Marie Andrée
Rachel Bédard, Alan Ford, & Marie Andrée Hammond
1980  Les rapports morphologiques entre les verbes TI, TA et AI en montagnais. 11:274- 282.
Hannibal-Paci, Christopher
Christopher Hannibal-Paci
1998  “Officers of the HBC, Missionaries and Other Intelligent Persons in the District of Keewatin’‘: Lake Winnipeg Sturgeon as an Aboriginal Resource . 29:128-149.
Hartley, Alan H.
Alan H. Hartley
1981  Preliminary Observations on Ojibwa Place-Names. 12:31-38.
Harvey, Chris
Chris Harvey
2004  Unicode as a Standard Framework for Syllabics and Other Special Characters 35:125-136.
Hasler, Laurel Anne
Laurel Anne Hasler
2002  Sustained and shifting obviation in a Sheshatshiu Innu-aimun story 33:232-250.
Hedican, Edward
Edward Hedican
1982  Some Implications of Contemporary Economic Activity Among the Ojibwa of Northern Ontario. 13:275-283.
Hele, Karl
Karl Hele
2004  James D. Cameron and the Baptist Mission at Bawating, 1831-1859 35:127-161.
Hénaire, Jean
Jean Hénaire
1977  Les montagnais et les ententes scolaires: le nouveau pacte colonial. 8:171-179.
Hewson, John
John Hewson
1975  New Resources for Comparative Work in Algonkian Languages. 6:1-9.
1979  Two Proto-Algonquian Consonant Clusters. 10:18-24.
1983  Some Micmac Etymologies. 14:301-306.
1986  Syllables and Syllabics in Micmac. 17:135-142.
1987  Are Algonquian Languages Ergative? 18:147-153.
1989  Computer Analysis of Proto-Algonquian Word Formatives. 20:154-160.
Hjartarson, Freida
Freida Hjartarson  
1994  Learning and Algonquian Children. 25:225-235.
1995  Traditional Algonquin Education. 26:151-168.
Hogan, Paul
Regna Darnell, Tracy Vanek & Paul Hogan
1995  Reframing the Representation of the “The Canadian Indian’‘ in the Ontario Academic Credit Curriculum. 26:67-84.
Holzkamm, Tim E.
Joan A. Lovisek, Leo G. Waisberg & Tim E. Holzkamm
1995  “Deprived of Part of Their Living”: Colonialism and Ninetheenth-Century Flooding of Ojibwa Lands. 26:226-239.
Joan A. Lovisek, Tim E. Holzkamm & Leo G. Waisberg
1996  “Cultural Leprosy”: The “Aboriginal Ethnology” of Ruth Landes. 27:164-179.
Leo G. Waisberg & Tim E. Holzkamm
1994  “Their Country is Tolerably Rich in Furs”: The Ojibwa Fur Trade in the Boundary Waters Region 1821-71. 25:493-513.
Leo G. Waisberg, Joan A. Lovisek & Tim E. Holzkamm
1996  Ojibwa reservations as “an incubus upon the territory’‘: the Indian removal policy of Ontario 1874-1982. 27:337-352.
Tim E. Holzkamm
1986  Ojibwa Horticulture in the Upper Mississippi and Boundary Waters. 17:143-154.
1987  Sturgeon Utilization by the Rainy River Ojibwa Bands. 18:155-163.
1988  Ojibwa Knowledge of Minerals and Treaty #3. 19:89-97.
Tim E. Holzkamm and Leo G. Waisberg
1993  Agriculture and One 19th-Century Ojibwa Band: “They Hardly Ever Loose Sight of Their Field”. 24:407-424.
Tim E. Holzkamm, Leo G. Waisberg & Joan A. Lovisek
1995  “Stout Athletic Fellows’‘: The Ojibwa During the ‘’Big-Game Collapse’‘ in Northwestern Ontario 1821-71. 26:169-182.
Howard, James H.
James H. Howard
1978  The Red and Blue Drum Comes to the Delaware. 9:40-46.
Hunter, Patricia A.
Patricia A. Hunter
1993  Making Connections: Children of Kashechewan Explore a Theme. 24:240-252.
Inglis, Stephanie
Stephanie Inglis
1988  The Micmac Morpheme -ew-. 19:99-102.
2003  The Deferential Evidential in Mi’kmaq 34:193-200.
Stephanie Inglis & Eleanor Johnson
2001  The Mi’kmaq Future: An Analysis 32:249-257.