The following is a cumulative index by author. It includes the works of all authors that have been published in the Papers of the Algonquian Conference/Actes du Congrès des Algonquinistes. These pages are no longer being updated. Last updated 2007.
- Caldwell, Alan
- Alan Caldwell & Monica Macaulay
- 2000 The Current Status of the Menominee Language. 31:18-29.
- Campana, Mark
- Mark Campana
- 1989 Algonquian and the Absolutive Case Hypothesis. 20:70-78.
- 1994 Possessor-Licensing in Passamaquoddy. 25:46-58.
- Chaland, Philippe
- Philippe Charland
- 2006 Aln8baïwi kdakina — Notre monde à la manière abénakise : La toponymie abénakise au Québec 37:49-73.
- Chapdelaine, Claude
- Claude Chapdelaine
- 1983 La culture préhistorique “Pointe Péninsule”: Algonquienne ou iroquoienne? 14:159- 167.
- Claude Chapdelaine & Greg Kennedy
- 1990 The Identity of the Prehistoric Occupants of the Temiscouata Area. 21:72-83.
- Chief, Bertha
- Roger Spielmann & Bertha Chief
- 1986 Requesting and Rejecting in Algonquin: Notes on a Conversation. 17:313-326.
- Chute, Elizabeth
- Elizabeth Chute
- 1992 Ceremony, Social Revitalization and Change: Micmac Leadership and the Annual Festival of St. Anne. 23:45-61.
- 1993 The Concept of “Tribe” as a Useful Tool for Examining Micmac Organization and Leadership. 24:17-31.
- Chute, Janet Elizabeth.
- Janet E. Chute
- 1995 Pursuing the Great Spirit’s Power: Ojibwa Ways of Revitalizing the Failing World System. 26:35-51.
- 1997 Preservation of ethnic diversity at Garden River: a key to Ojibwa strength. 28:44-70.
- Clarke, Sandra
- Deborah James, Sandra Clarke, & Marguerite MacKenzie
- 1996 Indirect evidentials in the Cree/Montagnais/Naskapi of Quebec and Labrador. 27:135-151.
- Marguerite MacKenzie & Sandra Clarke
- 1983 The Sheshatshiu Sociolinguistic Variability Project: A Preliminary Report. 14:249-
- Sandra Clarke & Marguerite MacKenzie
- 1980 Indian Teacher Training Programs: An Overview and Evaluation. 11:19-32.
- 1982 Emerging Rules in North West River (Shesha:tshi:t) Montagnais. 13:219-235.
- 1984 Language Change in Sheshatsiu Montagnais. 15:225-240.
- 1986 Social Correlates of Linguistic Variation in Sheshatshiu Montagnais. 17:65-80.
- Sandra Clarke, Marguerite Mackenzie & Deborah James
- 1993 Preverb Usage in Cree/Montagnais/Naskapi. 24:32-45.
- Clermont, Norman
- Norman Clermont
- 1977 La transformation historique des systèmes économiques algonquiens. 8:182-187.
- Clifton, James A.
- James A. Clifton
- 1975 Potowatomi Leadership Roles: On <em>Okama</em> and Other Influential Personages. 6:42-99.
- Cohen, Lucy M.
- Lucy M. Cohen
- 2006 Reflections on Regina Flannery’s Career 37:375-389.
- Common, R.W.
- R.W. Common
- 1990 Toward a More Equitable Post-Secondary Educational System for Natives in Canada. 21:84-99.
- Conathan, Lisa
- Lisa Conathan
- 2005 Arapaho Verbal Reduplication: Form and Meaning 36:95-105.
- Lisa Conathan & Esther Wood
- 2003 Repetitive Reduplication in Yurok and Karuk: Semantic Effects of Contact 34:19-33.
- Cook, Clare
- Clare Cook
- 2003 A Semantic Classificationof Menominee Preverbs 34:35-56.
- 2006 Prosodic Correlates of Plains Cree Clause Boundaries: Patterns from Two Speakers 37:75-101.
- Clare Cook & Jeff Mühlbauer
- 2006 The Behaviour of Obviation in Elicitation 37:103-129.
- Cook, Eung-Do
- Eung-Do Cook
- 1991 Lexical Derivation and Stress in Cree. 22:21-29.
- Cooter, David
- David Cooter
- 1989 L’Apparat françois-montagnais du Père Laure. 20:79-85.
- Corbiere, Alan
- Alan Corbiere
- 2003 Exploring Historical LIteracy in Manitoulin Island Ojibwe 34:57-80.
- Corbiere, Mary Ann
- Mary Ann Corbiere
- 1997 Gaawii wi kidwin miiksesnoo: semantic rules for the selection of some Ojibwe adverbs. 28:71-84.
- Costa, David J.
- David J. Costa
- 1991 Approaching the Sources on Miami-Illinois. 22:30-47.
- 1993 The Mission Press Wea Primer of 1837. 24:46-63.
- 2000 Miami-Illinois Tribe Names. 31:30-53.
- 2002 Preverb Usage in Shawnee Narratives 33:120-161.
- 2005 The St-Jérôme Dictionary of Miami-Illinois 36:107-133.
- Cote, Margaret R.
- Margaret R. Cote, Solomon Ratt & Terry J. Klokeid
- 1987 Conditional Sentences in Cree and Saulteaux. 18:49-57.
- Cowan, William
- William Cowan
- 1976 The Generation Gap in Montagnais Dialectology. 7:323-338.
- 1977 *xk/<theta>k proto-algonquien dans le montagnais du 17e siècle. 8:143- 150.
- 1979 Pierres tombales indiennes à Moisie. 10:3-9.
- 1982 General Treat’s Vocabulary of Narragansett. 13:11-21.
- 1983 Marginalia Algonquiana. 14:321-329.
- 1984 The Indian from Olympus. 15:125-134.
- 1987 Ojibwa Vocabulary in Longfellow’s Hiawatha. 18:59-67.
- 1991 Philogical Spadework in the Jesuit Relations: A Letter in Algonquin. 22:48-57.
- 1992 Cree Vocabulary in the Works of James Oliver Curwood. 23:63-78.
- 1998 Delaware Vocabulary in the Works of Conrad Richter. 29:74-89.
- Cowell, Andrew
- Andrew Cowell
- 2005 Arapaho Plant Names 36:135-171.
- Andrew Cowell & Alonzo Moss, Sr.
- 2002 The Conjunct Order in Arapaho: Forms and Functions 33:162-180.
- 2004 The Linguistic Structure of Arapaho Personal Names 35:61-74.
- Craik, Brian
- Brian Craik
- 1975 Fur Trapping and Food Sharing in Fort George, Québec. 6:223-236.
- 1979 We are Divided by the Light: Experience and Belief in a Cree Society. 10:66-78.
- 1982 The Animate in Cree Language and Ideology. 13:29-35.
- Creighton, Eugene
- Donald G. Franz & Eugene Creighton
- 1982 The Indefinite Possessor Prefix in Blackfoot. 13:137-142.
- Cristian, Viviana
- Viviana Cristian
- 2006 Bibliography of Regina Flannery (Herzfeld) 37:493-496.
- Cude, Daniel G.
- Daniel G. Cude
- 2001 Identifying the Ojibway of Northern Lake Superior and the Boundary Water Region, 1650-1750 32:74-99.
- Cummins, Bryan
- Bryan Cummins
- 1990 Attawapiskat Cree Land Use and State Intervention. 21:100-113.
- 1992 Trapper-Trader: An Analysis of the Structure of Relations. 23:79-90.
- Cyr, Danielle
- Danielle Cyr
- 1991 Algonquin Orders as Aspectual Markers: Some Typological Evidence and Pragmatic Considerations. 22:58-88.
- 1993 Demonstratives and Definite Articles in Plains Cree. 24:64-80.
- Cywink, Alex
- Alex Cywink
- Bridging the gap: Anishnaabe storytelling as an educational method. 28:85-91.