The following is a cumulative index by author. It includes the works of all authors that have been published in the Papers of the Algonquian Conference/Actes du Congrès des Algonquinistes. These pages are no longer being updated. Last updated 2007.


Paap, Howard D.
Keller D. Paap & Howard D. Paap
1998  Ishkigamizigewin: An Ojibwe Rite of Spring. 29:243-251.
Paap, Keller D.
Keller D. Paap & Howard D. Paap
1998  Ishkigamizigewin: An Ojibwe Rite of Spring. 29:243-251.
Pagotto, Louise
Louise Pagotto
1980  On Complementizer Adjuncts in the Rapid Lake Dialect of Algonquin. 11:231-246.
Papen, Robert A.
Robert A. Papen
1987  Linguistic Variation in the French Component of Métif Grammar. 18:247-259.
Patrick, Donna
Donna Patrick
1993  Teaching English Second-Language Literacy in a Northern Native Community. 24:332-345.
Paul, Keltie Jean
Keltie Jean Paul
1986  Community Reaction to Hunting Restrictions in Wood Buffalo National Park. 17:231- 237.
Pearson, Bruce
Bruce Pearson
1976  Lexical Symbolization and Phonological Processes in Delaware. 7:297-311.
Peers, Laura L.
Laura L. Peers
1987  Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggarman, Chief: Saulteaux in the Red River Settlement. 18:261-270.
Pelletier, Gaby
Gaby Pelletier
1979  From Animal Skins to Polyester: Four Hundred Years of Micmac and Maliseet Clothing Styles and Ornamentation. 10:203-217.
Penney, Gerald
Gerald Penney
1990  Frank Speck and the Newfoundland Micmac: A Summary. 21:295-302.
Pentland, David H.
David H. Pentland
1975  Diminutive Consonant Symbolism in Algonquian. 6:237-252.
1976  In Defence of Edward Umfreville. 7:62-104.
1983  Proto-Algonquian [*CH] and [*SH]. 14:379-396.
1985  The Ashkee Indians. 16:151-160.
1996  The southern Algonquians and their neighbours. 27:224-237.
2002  Miss Freeman’s List of ‘Indian Words’ and the Ojibwa Language in 19th-Century Southern Ontario 33:328-359.
2003  The Missinipi Dialect of Cree 34:287-301.
2005  Preverbs and Particles in Algonquian 36:323-338.
H. Christoph Wolfart & David H. Pentland
1979  The “Bowrey” Dictionary and Henry Kelsey. 10:37-42.
Phillips, Ruth B.
Ruth B. Phillips
1984  Zigzag and Spiral: Geometric Motifs in Great Lakes Indian Costume. 15:409-424.
Phillips, Selene
Selene Phillips
2000  Nin Bi-minwadjim (I bring Good News): The Lac Courte Oreilles Journal. 31:290-300.
Piggott, G.L.
G.L. Piggott
1978  Algonquin and Other Ojibwa Dialects: A Preliminary Report. 9:160-187.
Podruchny, Carolyn
Carolyn Podruchny
1995  “I Have Embraced the White Man’s Religion’‘: The Relations between the Peguis Band and the Church Missionary Society, 1820-1838. 26:350-378.
Poliandri, Simone  
Simone Poliandri
2003  Mi’kmaq People and Tradition: Indian Brook Lobster Fishing in St Mary’s Bay, Nova Scotia 34:303-310.
Polson, Gordon
Gordon Polson & Roger Spielmann
1990  “Once There Were Two Brothers“: Religious Tension in One Algonquin Community. 21:303-312.
Pomedli, Michael M.
Michael M. Pomedli
1989  Transcending European Presuppositions: Early Native Approaches to Morality. 20:292-300.
1991  Algonquian and Huron Transcendence. 22:279-290.
1998  ‘Trick or Treat-y’? Treaty #3, Rice, and Manitous. 29:252-263.
2001  The Otter: Laughter and Treaty Three 32:359-373.
Michael Pomedli
1992  Orality in Early Greek and Cree Traditions. 23:334-343.
1994  Métis and Surveying: Tensions Regarding Place. 25:373-382.
Preston, Richard J.
Richard J. Preston
1975  Eastern Cree Community in Relation to Fur Trade Post in the 1830’s: The Background of the Posting Process. 6:324-335.
1976  Reticence and Self-Expression: A Study of Style in Social Relationships. 7:450-494.
1977  The Wiitiko: Algonquian Knowledge and Whiteman Interest. 8:101-106.
1978  Ethnographic Reconstruction of Witigo. 9:61-67.
1979  The Cree Way Project: An Experiment in Grass-Roots Curriculum Development. 10:92-101.
1980  Eastern Cree Notions of Social Grouping. 11:40-48.
1982  Towards a General Statement on the Eastern Cree Structure of Knowledge. 13:299- 306.
1983  Algonquian People and Energy Development in the Subarctic. 14:169-179.
1986  Twentieth Century Transformations of the West Coast Cree. 17:239-251.
1987  Catholicism at Attawapiskat: A Case of Culture Change. 18:271-287.
1988  James Bay Cree Syncretism: Persistence and Replacement. 19:147-155.
1990  The View from the Other Side of the Frontier: East Cree Historical Notions. 21:313- 328.
1997  Getting to know the great community of persons. 28:274-282.
2000  How Cultures Remember: Traditions of the James Bay Cree and of Canadian Quakers. 31:301-309.
2001  James Bay Cree Culture, Malnutrition, Infectious and Degenerative Diseases 32:374- 384.
2003   Crees and Algonquins at ‘The Front’: More on 20th-Century Transformations 34:311-319.
2006  Regina Flannery’s Collection of James Bay Cree Oral Tradition 37:405-415.
Richard J. Preston & John S. Long
1998  Apportioning Responsibility for Cumulative Changes: a Cree Community in Northeastern Ontario. 29:264-275.
Richard J. Preston, Fikret Berkes & Peter J. George
1995  Perspectives on Sustainable Development in the Moose River Basin. 26:379-393.
Preston, Sarah C.
Sarah C. Preston
1980  Why did Alice Go Fishing: Narrative from the Life of a Cree Woman. 11:71-78.
1982  Competent Social Behaviour Within the Context of Childbirth: A Cree Example. 13:211-217.
1986  The Old Man’s Stories: Lies or Truths? 17:253-261.
1987  Is Your Cree Uniform the Same as Mine? Cultural and Ethnographic Variations on a Theme. 18:287-296.
1988  Variation in James Bay Cree Narrative Themes. 19:157-164.
Preston, Susan M.
Susan M. Preston
2000  Exploring the Eastern Cree Landscape: Oral Tradition as Cognitive Map. 31:310-332.
Prins, Harald E.L.
Harald E.L. Prins
1986  Micmacs and Maliseets in the St. Lawrence River Valley. 17:263-278.
1994  Neo-Traditions in Native Communities: Sweat Lodge and Sun Dance Among the Micmac Today. 25:383-394.
1997  “We fight with dignity’‘: The Miawpukek Mi’kmaq quest for aboriginal rights in Newfoundland. 28:283-305.
2002  The Crooked Path of Dummer’s Treaty: Anglo-Wabanaki Diplomacy and the Quest for Aboriginal Rights. 33:360-377 33:360-377.
Proulx, Craig
Craig Proulx
1997  Aboriginal peoples and the courts: legal discourse and practice. 28:306-328.
1998  Justice as Healing: Current Critiques. 29:276-285.
2001  Restoration and/or Transformation through Alternative Aboriginal Justice 32:385-394.
Proulx, Paul
Paul Proulx
1980  Wiyot and Yurok Light on Algonquian `Sun’. 11:79-82.
1986  Anxiety Management in Native Language Instruction. 17:279-286.