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Volume 32

The 32nd Algonquian Conference was held at McGill University in Montréal, October 2000, sponsored jointly by the McCord Museum and the Anthropology Department of McGill University. Thirty-two of the papers presented at the conference are included in Actes du Trente-deuxième Congrès des Algonquinistes, edited by John D. Nichols, published by the University of Manitoba.

Pp. x, 616, Illus., maps 9×6″ (paperback). ISSN 0031-5671; v.32.


George F. Aubin

The Algonquin-French Manuscript ASSM 104 (1661)

Yale Belanger

“The region teemed with abundance”: Interlake Saulteaux Concepts of Territory and Sovereignty

Adrian L. Burke

Témiscoutata: Traditional Maliseet Territory and Connections between the St. Lawrence Valley and the St. John River Valley

Daniel G. Cude

Identifying the Ojibway of Northern Lake Superior and the Boundary Water Region, 1650-1750

Regna Darnell

Representations of Algonquians at Prototypical First Nations: The National Film Board of Canada

J. Peter Denny

Symmetry Preferneces in Algonquian Abstract Designs

Claude Gélinas

Profil démographique des Atikamekw de la Haute-Mauricie, 1870-1940

Ives Goddard

Contraction in Fox

Elizabeth A. M. Guerrier

From “Bare Subsistence” to “Moderate Livelihood”: Limitations on Mi’kmaq Future: An Analysis

Stephanie Inglis and Eleanor Johnson

The Mi’kmaq Future: An Analysis

Marie-Odile Junker and Lousie Blacksmith

Obviation, Coreference and Relational Verb Forms in East Cree

Ed Koenig

Rethinking a “Native Fishery”

Joan Lovisek

The Ojibway vs. the Gerrymander: The Evolution of the Robinson Huron and Williams Treaties Boundaries

Victor Lytwyn

Torchlight Prey: Night Hunting and Fishing by Aboriginal People in the Great Lakes Region

Pauleena MacDougall

Some Observations on the Penobscot Writing of Joseph Polis (1809-1884)

Allan K. McDougall and Lisa Philips Valentine

Law versus Law and Order: Challenges to the Implementation of Treaty Rights

Cath Oberholtzer

Are Diamonds a Cree Girl’s Best Friend? Preliminary Musings

Michael M. Pomedli

The Otter: Laughter and Treaty Three

Richard J. Preston

James Bay Cree Culture, Malnutrition, Infectious and Degenerative Diseases

Craig Proulx

Restoration and/or Transformation through Alternative Aboriginal Justice

Conor Quinn

A Preliminary Survey of Animacy Categories in Penobscot

Charlotte Reinholtz and H. C. Wolfart

The Syntax of Emphatic ani in Eastern Swampy Cree and in Plains Cree

Richard A. Rhodes

Text Strategies in Métchif

Beth A. Schultz, Ripan S. Malhi and David G. Smith

Examining the Proto-Algonquian Migration: Analysis of mtDNA

E. Lee Skjon

Point of View, Reported Speech, and Obviation in Two Fox Texts

Nicholas N. Smith

Three Centuries of Progress in Three Decades: Mistissini 1960-1990

Ruth Swan and Edward A. Jerome

A Mother and Father of Pembina: A NWC Voyageur Meets the Granddaughter of The Buffaloe

Rhonda Telford

The Central Ontario Anishinabe and the Rebellion, 1830-40

Lisa Philips Valentine and Allan K. McDougall

Wawanosh’s Box

J. Randolph Valentine

Nenabozho and The Ojibwa Woman

Willard Walker

The Passamaquoddies and the State