Volumes in Print
Follow the links to view tables of contents. All volumes prior to PAC 40 are out of print but they are available online in our electronic archive. Note that the proceedings of the 2nd through 5th Algonquian Conferences were not published. However, the linguistics papers from the 4th can be found in the journal Studies in Linguistics.
Contributors to the Papers of the Algonquian Conference are eligible for a 40% discount off the list price for volumes published by SUNY Press (vol. 40–44) and MSU Press (vol. 45-). For MSU volumes, call the Chicago Distribution Center at 1-800-621-2736, let the customer service rep know that you’re a contributor, and request the 40% discount. For SUNY volumes, order from the SUNY Press website and click on “Register & Checkout as Author” when you check out to receive the discounted price.