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Volume 26
The 26th Algonquian Conference was held at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in October 1994. Thirty of the papers presented at the conference are included in the Papers of the Twenty-sixth Algonquian Conference, edited by David H. Pentland.
Pp. xi, 435, Illus., mapts 9×6″ (paperback). ISSN 0031-5671; v.28.
George F. Aubin
The French-Algonquian Dictionary Fragment in ASSM Manuscrit 14 (Anonume VI): A First Look
Elaine Ayoungman-Clifton
Humour in the Siksika (Blackfoot) Language
Janet Elizabeth Chute
Pursuing the Great Spirit’s Power: Ojibwa Ways of Revitalizing the Failing World System
Amy Dahlstrom
Motivation vs Predictability in Algonquian Gender
Regna Darnell, Tracy Vanek and Paul Hogan
Reframing the Representation of “The Canadian Indian” in the Ontario Academic Credit Curriculum
George Fulford
A Structural Analysis of Cree Children’s Drawings, III
Frederick W. Gleach
Mimesis, Play, and Transformation in Powahatan Ritual
Ives Goddard
Notes on Fox (Mesquakie) Inflection: Minor modes and Incompletely Described Morphemes
Freida Hjartarson
Traditional Algonquin Education
Tim E. Holzkamm, Leo G. Waisberg and Joan A Lovisek
“Stout Athletic Fellows”: The Ojibway During the “Big-Game Collapse” in Northwestern Ontario 1821-71
Kathi Avery Kinew
Manito Gitigaan: Governance in the Great Spirit’s Garden; Wild Rive in Treaty #3 from Pre-Treaty to the 1990s
Anna Leighton
Traditional Hide Tanning Techniques of the Saskatchewan Woods Cree
John S. Longon
In Search of Mr. Bundin: Henley House 1759 Revisited
Joan A. Lovisek, Leo G. Waisberg and Tim E. Holzkamm
“Deprived of Part of Their Living”: Colonialism and Nineteenth-Century Flooding of Ojibwa Lands
Lawrence T. Martin
Animal Forms of Manidog in the Anisnabe Earth-Diver Story
Jill F. Kealey McRae
The Fannie Hardy Eckstorm Collection of Penobscot Mythology: An Ethnopoetic Analysis
Toby Morantz
Provinicial Game Laws at the Turn of the Century: Protective or Punitive Measures for the Native Peoples of Quebec?
Alvin H. Morrison
Anglo-Wabanaki Relations 1605-1630
Cath Oberholtzer and Nicholas N. Smith
I’m the Last One Who Does Do It: Birch Bark Biting, an Almost Lost Art
Kayo Ohmagari
Culturally Sustainable Development and James Bay Cree Women
John O’Meara
Productivity and Levels of Derivation in Munsee Delaware Word Formation
Carolyn Podruchny
“I Have Embraced the White Man’s Religion”: The Relations between the Peguis Band and the Church Missionary Society, 1820-1838
Richard J. Preston, Fikret Berkes and Peter J. George
Perspectives on Sustainable Development in the Moose River Basin
Charlotte Reinholtz
Discontinuous Constituents in Swampy Cree
Kersin Müller Reinschmidt
Language Preservation with the Help of Written Language: The Sauk Language of the Sac and Fox of Oklahoma
Michael Reinschmidt
Historical and Contemporary Aspects of the Algonquian Drum Dance
Karl V. Teeter
Wiyot Obsolescence
Lucy Thomason
The Assignment of Proximate and Obviative in Informal Fox Narrative
John A. Turcheneske, Jr.
Laura Kellogg’s Six Nations Land Claim Scheme and the Brothertown and Stockbridge Indians of Wisconsin