The following is a cumulative index by author. It includes the works of all authors that have been published in the Papers of the Algonquian Conference/Actes du Congrès des Algonquinistes. These pages are no longer being updated. Last updated 2007.


Eid, Leroy V.
Leroy V. Eid
1982  The Cardinal Principle of Northeast Woodland Indian War. 13:243-250.
Erickson, Vincent O.
1978  Some Contemporary Views of Micmac Supernaturalism. 9:204-210.
1979  The Thomas “Kyrie” Manuscript. 10:79-91.
1982  Economic Factors and the Development of Factionalism Among the Passamaquoddy in the Early 19th Century. 13:169-178.
1983  “The Mohawks are Coming!”: Elijah Kellogg’s Observations. 14:37-47.
1986  Views from the House of Picpus: An Update on Deacon Sockabason. 17:121-134.
1987  And to God Speak Penobscot. 18:121-136.
1990  J.L. Tiarks: The Transculturalization of an Innocent Abroad. 21:114-125.
Ezzo, David A.
1988  Female Status in the Northeast. 19:49-62.
1989  The Shawnee Prophet and Handsome Lake. 20:108-131.
1991  Female Status and the Life Cycle: A Cross-Cultural Perspective from Native North America. 22:137-144.
1993  The Stockbridge Munsee Land Claim: A Historical and Legal Perspective. 24:113-
1994  Delaware Participation in the American Civil War. 25:119-129.
David A. Ezzo & Michael Moskowitz
1992  Delaware Indian Land Claims: A Historical and Legal Perspective. 23:164-189.
1998  Black Beaver. 29:106-111.
Ezzo, David E.
[Alvin H. Morrison & David E. Ezzo]
1985  Dawnland Dualism in the Northeastern Regional Context. 16:131-149.
Fawcett, Melissa
1984  The Role of Gladys Tantaquidgeon. 15:135-145.
Feurer, Hanny
1994  Changes in Bilingual Education at Waskaganish in Light of Cummins’s Interdependence Hypothesis. 25:130-139.
Fidelholtz, James L.
1976  Some Considerations in Developing an Orthography for the Micmac Language. 7:361-413.
1993  Compiling a Micmac Bibliography: Some Unconventional Sources of Data. 24:123- 133.
2004  Contraction in Mi’kmaq Verbs and its Orthographical Implications 34:129-145.
FitzMaurice, Kevin
2012  Transforming Racism and the Construction of Zhaaganaash-Whiteness in Critical Race Theory and Indigenous Knowledge. 40:136-150.
Ford, Alan
1976  L’accentuation dans le montagnais de la Moisie. 7:347-360.
1978  L’alternance n/yod en Mushuau Innu. 9:237-245.
1979  Une ambiguïté structurale de surface en montagnais. 10:218-226.
1983  Une analyse autosegmentale de quelques alternances morphologiques du cris- montagnais. 14:293-300.
Alan Ford & Jim Lees
1979  Cree Relative Clauses. 10:126-135.
Lynn Drapeau, Alan Ford, & Micheline Noreau-Hébert
1975  Sur la dialectologie phonologique du montagnais. 6:344-361.
Rachel Bédard, Alan Ford, & Marie Andrée Hammond
1980  Les rapports morphologiques entre les verbes TI, TA et AI en montagnais. 11:274- 282.
Fox, Jacinta
[Jacinta Fox & Donald G. Franz]
1979  Blackfoot Clitic Pronouns. 10:152-166.
Francis, David A.
[David A. Francis & Robert M. Leavitt]
1994  More Lexical Exploration: Passamaquoddy Synonyms. 25:274-284.
[Robert M. Leavitt & David A. Francis]
1984  Passamaquoddy-Maliseet Parts of Speech. 15:319-327.
Franz, Donald G.
1976  Unspecified-Subject Phenomena in Algonquian. 7:197-216.
1978  Antipassive in Blackfoot. 9:195-203.
[Donald G. Franz & Eugene Creighton]
1982  The Indefinite Possessor Prefix in Blackfoot. 13:137-142.
[Jacinta Fox & Donald G. Franz]
1979  Blackfoot Clitic Pronouns. 10:152-166.
Fulford, George
1988  Manabus and the Mitawin. 19:63-74.
1989  A Structural Analysis of Mide Song Scrolls. 20:132-153.
1990  A Structural Analysis of Mide Chants. 21:126-158.
1992  The Pictographic Account Book of an Ojibwa Fur Trader. 23:190-233.
1993  A Structural Analysis of Cree Children’s Drawings. 24:134-187.
1994  A Structural Analysis of Cree Children’s Drawings. 25:140-166.
1995  A Structural Analysis of Cree Children’s Drawings, III. 26:85-113.
1996  A structural analysis of Cree children’s drawings, IV. 27:80-104.
1997  What Cree Children’s drawings reveal about words and imagery in the Cree language. 28:162-180.