The following is a cumulative index by author. It includes the works of all authors that have been published in the Papers of the Algonquian Conference/Actes du Congrès des Algonquinistes. These pages are no longer being updated. Last updated 2007.
- Eid, Leroy V.
- Leroy V. Eid
- 1982 The Cardinal Principle of Northeast Woodland Indian War. 13:243-250.
- Erickson, Vincent O.
- 1978 Some Contemporary Views of Micmac Supernaturalism. 9:204-210.
- 1979 The Thomas “Kyrie” Manuscript. 10:79-91.
- 1982 Economic Factors and the Development of Factionalism Among the Passamaquoddy in the Early 19th Century. 13:169-178.
- 1983 “The Mohawks are Coming!”: Elijah Kellogg’s Observations. 14:37-47.
- 1986 Views from the House of Picpus: An Update on Deacon Sockabason. 17:121-134.
- 1987 And to God Speak Penobscot. 18:121-136.
- 1990 J.L. Tiarks: The Transculturalization of an Innocent Abroad. 21:114-125.
- Ezzo, David A.
- 1988 Female Status in the Northeast. 19:49-62.
- 1989 The Shawnee Prophet and Handsome Lake. 20:108-131.
- 1991 Female Status and the Life Cycle: A Cross-Cultural Perspective from Native North America. 22:137-144.
- 1993 The Stockbridge Munsee Land Claim: A Historical and Legal Perspective. 24:113-
- 1994 Delaware Participation in the American Civil War. 25:119-129.
- David A. Ezzo & Michael Moskowitz
- 1992 Delaware Indian Land Claims: A Historical and Legal Perspective. 23:164-189.
- 1998 Black Beaver. 29:106-111.
- Ezzo, David E.
- [Alvin H. Morrison & David E. Ezzo]
- 1985 Dawnland Dualism in the Northeastern Regional Context. 16:131-149.
- Fawcett, Melissa
- 1984 The Role of Gladys Tantaquidgeon. 15:135-145.
- Feurer, Hanny
- 1994 Changes in Bilingual Education at Waskaganish in Light of Cummins’s Interdependence Hypothesis. 25:130-139.
- Fidelholtz, James L.
- 1976 Some Considerations in Developing an Orthography for the Micmac Language. 7:361-413.
- 1993 Compiling a Micmac Bibliography: Some Unconventional Sources of Data. 24:123- 133.
- 2004 Contraction in Mi’kmaq Verbs and its Orthographical Implications 34:129-145.
- FitzMaurice, Kevin
- 2012 Transforming Racism and the Construction of Zhaaganaash-Whiteness in Critical Race Theory and Indigenous Knowledge. 40:136-150.
- Ford, Alan
- 1976 L’accentuation dans le montagnais de la Moisie. 7:347-360.
- 1978 L’alternance n/yod en Mushuau Innu. 9:237-245.
- 1979 Une ambiguïté structurale de surface en montagnais. 10:218-226.
- 1983 Une analyse autosegmentale de quelques alternances morphologiques du cris- montagnais. 14:293-300.
- Alan Ford & Jim Lees
- 1979 Cree Relative Clauses. 10:126-135.
- Lynn Drapeau, Alan Ford, & Micheline Noreau-Hébert
- 1975 Sur la dialectologie phonologique du montagnais. 6:344-361.
- Rachel Bédard, Alan Ford, & Marie Andrée Hammond
- 1980 Les rapports morphologiques entre les verbes TI, TA et AI en montagnais. 11:274- 282.
- Fox, Jacinta
- [Jacinta Fox & Donald G. Franz]
- 1979 Blackfoot Clitic Pronouns. 10:152-166.
- Francis, David A.
- [David A. Francis & Robert M. Leavitt]
- 1994 More Lexical Exploration: Passamaquoddy Synonyms. 25:274-284.
- [Robert M. Leavitt & David A. Francis]
- 1984 Passamaquoddy-Maliseet Parts of Speech. 15:319-327.
- Franz, Donald G.
- 1976 Unspecified-Subject Phenomena in Algonquian. 7:197-216.
- 1978 Antipassive in Blackfoot. 9:195-203.
- [Donald G. Franz & Eugene Creighton]
- 1982 The Indefinite Possessor Prefix in Blackfoot. 13:137-142.
- [Jacinta Fox & Donald G. Franz]
- 1979 Blackfoot Clitic Pronouns. 10:152-166.
- Fulford, George
- 1988 Manabus and the Mitawin. 19:63-74.
- 1989 A Structural Analysis of Mide Song Scrolls. 20:132-153.
- 1990 A Structural Analysis of Mide Chants. 21:126-158.
- 1992 The Pictographic Account Book of an Ojibwa Fur Trader. 23:190-233.
- 1993 A Structural Analysis of Cree Children’s Drawings. 24:134-187.
- 1994 A Structural Analysis of Cree Children’s Drawings. 25:140-166.
- 1995 A Structural Analysis of Cree Children’s Drawings, III. 26:85-113.
- 1996 A structural analysis of Cree children’s drawings, IV. 27:80-104.
- 1997 What Cree Children’s drawings reveal about words and imagery in the Cree language. 28:162-180.