The following is a cumulative index by author. It includes the works of all authors that have been published in the Papers of the Algonquian Conference/Actes du Congrès des Algonquinistes. These pages are no longer being updated. Last updated 2007.


Macaulay, Monica
Alan Caldwell & Monica Macaulay
2000  The Current Status of the Menominee Language. 31:18-29.
MacDougall, Pauleena
Pauleena MacDougall
2001  Some Observations on the Penobscot Writing of Joseph Polis (1809-1884) 32:318- 331.
MacKenzie, Marguerite
Barbara Burnaby, Marguerite MacKenzie & Luci Bobbish Salt
1998  Factors in Aboriginal Mother Tongue Education: The Cree School Board Case. 29:62-73.
Bill Jancewicz & Marguerite MacKenzie
1998  Preverbs in Naskapi: Function and Distribution. 29:150-168.
Deborah James, Sandra Clarke, & Marguerite MacKenzie
1996  Indirect evidentials in the Cree/Montagnais/Naskapi of Quebec and Labrador. 27:135-151.
Marguerite MacKenzie
1979  Fort Chimo Cree: A Case of Dialect Syncretism? 10:227-236.
1992  Negative Markers in East Cree and Montagnais. 23:274-284.
Marguerite MacKenzie & Sandra Clarke
1983  The Sheshatshiu Sociolinguistic Variability Project: A Preliminary Report. 14:249-
Sandra Clarke & Marguerite MacKenzie
1980  Indian Teacher Training Programs: An Overview and Evaluation. 11:19-32.
1982  Emerging Rules in North West River (Shesha:tshi:t) Montagnais. 13:219-235.
1984  Language Change in Sheshatsiu Montagnais. 15:225-240.
1986  Social Correlates of Linguistic Variation in Sheshatshiu Montagnais. 17:65-80.
Sandra Clarke, Marguerite Mackenzie & Deborah James
1993  Preverb Usage in Cree/Montagnais/Naskapi. 24:32-45.
Mailhot, José
José Mailhot
1975  La géographie: noyau du savoir montagnais sur l’environnement physique. 6:314-
Malhi, Ripan S.
Beth A. Schultz, Ripan S. Malhi & David G. Smith
2001  Examining the Proto-Algonquian Migration: Analysis of mtDNA 32:470-492.
Marlatt, Michael
Michael Marlatt
2004  The Calamity of the Initial Reserve Surveys under the Robinson Treaties 35:281-335.
Marois, Roger
Roger Marois
1977  Quelques observations sur les techniques de décoration de la céramique impressionée. 8:3-5.
Marshall, Ingeborg
Ingeborg Marshall
1990  Evidence for Two Beothuk Subsistence Economies. 21:216-226.
Martijn, Charles
Charles Martijn
1989  An Eastern Micmac Domain of Islands. 20:208-231.
1990  Innu (Montagnais) in Newfoundland. 21:227-246.
Martin, Lawrence T.
Lawrence T. Martin
1995  Animal Forms of Manidog in the Anishinabe Earth-Diver Story. 26:226-239.
1996  The Franciscan mission to the Wisconsin Chippewa: the evidence of sermons. 27:195-204.
1998  Simon Pokagon: Charlatan or Authentic Spokesman for the 19th-Century Anishinaabeg? 29:182-191.
Martin, Peggy
Peggy Martin
1979  Micmac Indians as Witches in the Newfoundland Tradition. 10:173-180.
Martin, Pierre
Pierre Martin
1980  Les semi-voyelles en cris-montagnais de Fort George. 11:247-261.
1982  Visualisation syntaxique fonctionnelle du montagnais. 13:65-89.
1984  Monèmes prédicatifs en montagnais. 15:363-372.
Mathieu, Éric
Éric Mathieu
2007  Petite syntaxe des finales concrètes en ojibwe. 38:295-321.
Bethany Lochbihler & Éric Mathieu
2012 Héritage des Traits Morphologiques phi et delta en Ojibwe 40:267-287.
McCafferty, Michael
Michael McCafferty
2000  Wabash, Its Meaning and History. 31:224-236.
2005  The Latest Miami-Illinois Dictionary and its Author 36:271-286.
McDougall, Allan K.
Allan K. McDougall
1998  Maintaining First Nation Identity in the Face of Statist Discourse. 29:192-201.
Allan K. McDougall & Lisa Philips Valentine
2001  Law versus Law and Order: Challenges to the Implementation of Treaty Rights 32:332-342.
2002  Murky Law: What is a Reserve Given the Stoney Point Cases? 33:271-290.
Lisa Philips Valentine & Allan K. McDougall
2001  Wawanosh’s Box 32:571-582.
McFeat, Tom
Tom McFeat
1989  Rise and Fall of the Big Men of the Northeast: Maliseet Transformations. 20:232-
McGee, Harold F., Jr.
Harold F. McGee, Jr.
1977  The Case for Micmac Demes. 8:107-114.
McNab, David T.
David T. McNab
1997  “The ill-considered objections of a few backward Indians’‘: hydro-electricity on the Bkejwanong reserve. 28:228-249.
McPherson, Dennis H.
Dennis H. McPherson & J. Douglas Rabb
1998  Transformative Philosophy and Indigenous Thought: A Comparison of Lakota and Ojibwa World Views. 29:202-210.
McRae, Jill F. Kealey
Jill F. Kealey McRae
1994  Malecite and Passamquoddy Tales: The Spiritual Revealed. 25:315-331.
1995  The Fannie Hardy Eckstorm Collection of Penobscot Mythology: An Ethnopoetic Analysis. 26:251-274.
Mellow, J. Dean
Dean Mellow
1989  A Syntactic Approach to Noun Incorporation in Cree. 20:250-261.
1990  Asymmetries between Compounding and Noun Incorporation in Plains Cree. 21:247- 257.
1991  Integrating Language and Culture in Native Language Teaching. 22:203-212.
[Jamie Hack & J. Dean Mellow]
2007  A Functional Analysis of the Acquisition of Oji-Cree (Severn Ojibwe). 28:272-288.
Meyer, David
David Meyer
1987  Time-Depth of the West Woods Cree Occupation of Northern Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. 18:187-200.
Milliea, Mildred
Mildred Millea
1989  Micmac Catholicism in My Community Miigemeoei Alsotmagan Nemetgig. 20:262-266.
Mildred Milliea
1977  Teaching Micmac. 8:180-181.
1979  Meanings of Micmac Words. 10:16-17.
Peter Levi, Jr. & Mildred Milliea
1978  An Overview of Recent Micmac Language Research and Development. 9:211-213.
Milligan, Marianne
Marianne Milligan
2000  A New Look at Menominee Vowel Harmony. 31:237-254.
Marianne Milligan & Monica Macaulay
2002  Narrative structure of a Menominee text 33:291-327.
Miskimmin, Susanne
Susanne Miskimmin
1996  The New Age Movement’s appropriation of native spirituality: some political implications for the Algonquian nation. 27:205-223.
Miskimmin, Susanne E.
Susanne E. Miskimmin
1997  Talking about C-31S: Algonquian discourse concerning an amendment to the Indian Act. 28:250-257.
Mitchell L., Mary L.
Mary L. Mitchell
1986  Algonquian Language Education. 17:209-214.
1987  Ojibwa Vocabulary Acquisition. 18:201-208.
Molohon, Katheryn T.
Katheryn T. Molohom
1983  Notes on a Contemporary Cree Community. 14:189-202.
1984  Attitudes Toward Formal Education Among Swampy Cree. 15:49-68.  
1985  Residence Patterns and Related Aspects of Kinship Organization in a Swampy Cree Community. 16:119-130.
Kathleen R. Gibson, Mary Ellen Thames & Kathryn T. Molohon
1991  Mating Patterns and Genetic Structure of Two Native North American Communities in Northern Ontario. 22:145-156.
Mary Ellen Thames, Kathleeen R. Gibson & Kathryn T. Molohon
1992  Creating a Population and Genealogical Research Database. 23:366-384.
Moore, Fred
[Fred Moore & John S. Long]
2007  Private Fred Moore: A Cree “Halfbreed” at the Battle of Normandy 38:289-293.
Morantz, Toby
Toby Morantz
1977  James Bay Trading Captains of the Eighteenth Century: New Perspectives on Algonquian Social Organization. 8:77-89.
1978  The Probability of Family Hunting Territories in Eighteenth Century James Bay: Old Evidence Newly Presented. 9:224-236.
1982  A Reconstruction of Early Nineteenth Century Social Organization in Eastern James Bay. 13:261-273.
1983  “Not Annuall Visitors”-The Drawing in to Trade of Northern Algonquian Caribou Hunters. 14:57-73.
1984  Oral and Recorded History in James Bay. 15:171-191.
1987  Dwindling Animals and Diminished Lands: Early Twentieth Century Developments in Eastern James Bay. 18:209-227.
1988  “Gift-Offerings to Their Own Importance and Superiority”: Fur Trade Relations, 1700-1940. 19:133-145.
1991  Colonial French Insights into Early 18th-Century Algonquians of Central Quebec. 22:213-224.
1992  The Judiciary as Anthropologists: New Insights into Social Organization: The Teme- Augama Anishnabay Case. 23:285-297.
1995  Provincial Game Laws at the Turn of the Century: Protective or Punitive Measures for the Native Peoples of Quebec? 26:275-290.
2006  Regina Flannery’s James Bay Research: A Retrospective 37:391-403.
2012 Reflections on the Annual Manitoba Indian and Métis Conferences of the Early 1960s. 40:310-325 
Morgan, William
William Morgan
1987  Subsistence Strategy and Demographic Impact of Virgin Soil Disease Epidemics. 18:229-237.
Morissette, Anny
2012  Does the Integration of Algonquian Rituals in Catholic Churches Imply a Move toward Decolonialization. 40:326-345.
Morrison, Alvin H.
Alvin H. Morrison
1976  Dawnland Directors: Status and Role of 17th Century Wabanaki Relationships. 7:495-517.
1977a  Tricentennial Too: King Philip’s War Northern Front (Maine, 1675-1678). 8:208-
1977b  Western Wabanaki Studies: Some Comments. 8:230-243.
1978  Penobscot County: Disagreement Over Who Lived There in the 17th Century Needs Resolving-if Possible. 9:47-54.
1979  The Wabanaki in Children’s Literature: Some Preliminary Comments. 10:142-151.
1980  Frank G. Speck and Maine Ethnohistory. 11:8-18.
1981  The Wabanaki in 19th Century American Literature: Some Examples of How They Fared. 12:5-20.
1982  The Spirit of the Law Versus the Storm Spirit: A Wabanaki Case. 13:179-191.
1983  Wabanaki Women Extraordinaire: A Sampler from Fact and Fancy. 14:125-136.
1984  Black Robe in Boston; Rare Man/Rare Moment. 15:193-200.
1990  Dawnland Dog-Feast: Wabanaki Warfare, c. 1600-1760. 21:258-278.  
1991  Dawnland Directors’ Decisions: 17th Century Encounter Dynamics on the Wabanaki Frontier. 22:225-245.
1992  Indian Land-Deed in the North-East: Some Ethnohistorical Basics. 23:298-309.
1993  The Wabanaki in White Literature: Some Further Comments. 24:306-317.
1994  The Case Of The Slandered(?) Sagamore: Ouagimou of the St. Croix River. 25:332- 346.
1995  Anglo-Wabanaki Relations 1605-1630. 26:291-305.
1998  Dawnland Diaspora: Wabanaki Dynamics for Survival. 29:211-224.
Alvin H. Morrison & David E. Ezzo
1985  Dawnland Dualism in the Northeastern Regional Context. 16:131-149.
Alvin H. Morrison & Thomas H. Goetz
1975  Membertou’s Raid on the Chouacoet “Almouchiquois” – The Micmac Sack of Saco in 1607; English Translation of Marc Lescarbot. 6:141-179.
David L. Ghere & Alvin H. Morrison
1996  Sanctions for slaughter: peacetime violence on the Maine frontier, 1749-1772 27:105-116.
Morrison, Ann
Ann Morrison
1991  Voces Cantantes in Vestro: History of Research on Music among the Wabanaki. 22:246-263.
Moskowitz, Michael
David A. Ezzo & Michael Moskowitz
1992  Delaware Indian Land Claims: A Historical and Legal Perspective. 23:164-189.
Moskowitz, Mike
David A. Ezzo & Michael Moskowitz
1998  Black Beaver. 29:106-111.
Mühlbauer, Jeff
Jeff Mühlbauer
2006  Pitch as Accent in Plains Cree Nominals 37:229-268.
2007  The Speaker’s Knowledge and Obviation in Plains Cree 38:343-389.
Murdoch, John
John Murdoch
1982  Cree Literacy in Formal Education: A Problem in Educational Motivation. 13:23-28.