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Volume 24

The 24th Algonquian Conference was held at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario in October 1992. Thirty of the papers presented at the conference are included in the Papers of the Twenty-fourth Algonquian Conference, edited by William Cowan.


Jean Black

A Tale of Two Ethnicities: Identity and Ethnitcity at Lake of Two Mountains, 1721–1850

Barbara Burnaby

Aboriginal Teaching Personnel: Contradictions and Dilemnas

Janet Elizabeth Chute

The Concept of “Tribe” as a Useful Tool for Examining Micmac Organization and Leadership

Sandra Clarke, Marguerite Mackenzie, and Deborah Jones

Preverb Usage in Cree/Montagnais/Naskapi

David J. Costa

The Mission Press Wea Primer of 1837

Regna Darnell

Functions of English in Southwestern Ontario Native Discourse: The Basis of Traditional Language Maintenance and Revival

Diane Daviault

Explorations dans le domaine du changement diachronique en morphologie des langues algonquiennes

Emmanuel Désveaux

Les grands lacs et les plaines, le figuratif et le géométrique, les hommes et les femmes

David A. Ezzo and Micahel Moskowitz

The Stockbridge Munsee Land Claim: A Historical and Legal Perspective

James L. Fidelholtz

Comiling a Micmac Bibiography: Some Unconventional Sources

George Fulford

A Structural Analysis of Cree Children’s Drawings

David L. Ghere

The Maine Experience During The French and Indian War

Frederic W. Gleach

The Powhatan Indians and Algonquian Aesthetic of War: A Work in Progress

Ives Goddard

Songs in Fox (Mesquakie): Linguistics and Philosophy

Patricia A. Hunter

Making Connections: Children of Kashechewan

Anna Leighton

Botanical Aspects of Cree-Montagnais-Naskapi Plant Names Found in Written Sources

Kenneth R. Lister

“A Most Abundant Weir”: Fish Trap-Weirs, Adaptive Strategies, and the Hudson Bay Lowland

J.A. Lovisek

The Political Evolution of the Boundary Waters Ojibwa

Alvin Hamblen Morrison

The Wabanaki in White Literature: Some Further Comments

Cath Oberholtzer

Net Baby Charms: Metaphors of Protection and Provision

Donna Patrick

Teaching English: Second-Language Literacy in a Northern Native Community

David L. Schmidt

The Micmac Hieroglyphs: A Reassessment

Nicholas N. Smith

The Wabanaki As Mariners

John. A. Turcheneske, Jr.

Wisconsin’s Attempt to Reach a Treaty Rights Settlement with its Chippewa Indians

Louis-Philippe Vaillancourt, O.M.I.

Le calcul du temps chez les Amérindiens Cris de la côte est de la Baie

Time E. Holzkamm and Leo G. Waisberg

Agriculture and One 19th-Century Ojibwe Band: “They Hardly Ever Loose Sight of Their Field”

Shirley Williams

Native Languages at Trent University

A.D. DeBlois

Gordon Day