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Volume 25
The 25th Algonquian Conference was held at L’Université de Québec à Montréal in Montreal, Quebec in October 1993. Thirty-one of the papers presented at the conference are included in the Papers of the Twenty-fifth Algonquian Conference, edited by William Cowan.
George F. Aubin
A Look at the Ojibwa Vocabulary of Baudry des Loziéres
Peter Bakker
Is John Long’s Chippeway (1971) on Ojibwa Pidgin?
Peter Bakker and Lynn Drapeau
Adventures with Beothuks in 1787: A Testimony from Jean Conan’s Autobiography
Mark Campana
Possessor-Licensening in Passamaquoddy
Amy Dahlstrom
An Analog to Tough Movement in Fox Syntax
Regna Darnell
Private Discourse, Public Discourse and Algonquian Oral Tradition
J. Peter Denny
Archaelogical Correlates of Algonquian Languages in Quebec-Labrador
Claire Dubé
La calendrier micmac: représ astronomiques et cosmologiques
David A. Ezzo and Micahel Moskowitz
Delaware Participation in the American Civil War
Hanny Feurer
Changes in Bilingual Education at Waskaganish in Light of Cummin’s Interdependence Hypothesis
George Fulford
A Structural Analysis of Cree Children’s Drawings: II
Frederic W. Gleach
Pocahontas and Captain John Smith Revisited
Ives Goddard
The West-to-East Cline in Algonquian Dialectology
Evan Haefeli and Kevin Sweeney
Wattanummon’s World: Personal and Tribal Identity in the Algonquian Diaspora c. 1660–1712
Freida Hjartarson
Learning and Algonquian Children
Laurence Johnson
La réserve malécite de Viger: Qui va à la chasse perd sa place
Marie-Odile Junker and Louise Blacksmith
Reduplication in East Cree
David A. Francis and Robert M. Leavitt
More Lexical Exploration: Passamaquoddy Synonyms
J.A. Lovisek
Lac des mille lacs “Dammed and Diverted”: An Ethnological Study
Jill F. Kealey McRae
Malecite and Passamaqoddy Tales: The Spirit Revealed
Alvin H. Morrison
The Case of the Slandered(?) Sagamore: Ouagimou of the St. Croix River
Cath Oberholtzer
Cree Leggings as a Form of Communication
Michael M. Pomedli
Métis and Surveying: Tensions Regarding Place
Harald E.L. Prins
Neo-Traditions in Native Communities: Sweat Lodge and Sun Dance among the Micmac Today
Theresa Schenck
Identifying the Ojibwa
Nicholas N. Smith
Gift Diplomacy: Medals for the Wabanaki
Rodney Staab
“When Shawnees Die They Go to Probate Court”: Cultural Practices of the Kansas Shawnees 1830s–1860s
David Stewart-Smith
Pennacook-Pawtucket Relations: The Cycles of Family Alliance on the Merrimack River in the 17th Century
Lousie Tassé
Prises et protégés: Liens de parenté et liens communautaires à Kitigan Zibi
Lisa Philips Valentine
Performing Native Identities
Leo G. Waisberg and Tim E. Holzkamm
“Their Country is Tolerably Rich in Furs”: The Ojibwa Fur Trade in the Boundary Waters Region 1821–71