The following is a cumulative index by author. It includes the works of all authors that have been published in the Papers of the Algonquian Conference/Actes du Congrès des Algonquinistes. These pages are no longer being updated. Last updated 2007.


Bakker, Peter
Peter Bakker
1988  Basque Pidgin Vocabulary in European-Algonquian Trade Contacts. 19:7-15.
1990  The Genesis of Michif: A First Hypothesis. 21:12-35.
1991  The Ojibwa Element in Mitchif. 22:11-20.
1994  Is John Long’s Chippeway (1791) an Ojibwa Pidgin? 25:13-31.
Peter Bakker and Lynn Drapeau
1994  Adventures with the Beothuks in 1787: A Testimony from Jean Conan’s Autobiography. 25:32-45.
Bandow, James B.
James B. Bandow
2012  White Dogs, Black Bears, and Ghost Gamblers: Two Late Woodland Midewiwin Aspects of Ontario. 40:40-58.
Baraby, Anne-Marie
Anne-Marie Baraby
1986  Flexions verbales dans le montagnais de Sheshatshiu. 17:1-14.
1989  Changement linguistique dans le dialecte montagnais de Natashquan. 20:17-30.
Anne-Marie Baraby, Anne-Bellefleur-Tetaut, Louise Canapé,
2002  Incorporation of Body-Part Medials in the Contemporary Innu (Montagnais) Language 33:1-12.
Barbour, Philip L.
Philip L. Barbour
1975  Notes on Anglo-Algonkian Contacts 1605-1624. 6:112-127.
1976  Ocanahowan and Recently Discovered Linguistic Fragments from Southern Virginia, c. 1650. 7:2-17.
1977  The Antecedents of the Virginia Massacre of 1622: An Aide-Memoire. 8:222-229.
1978  Indians and Englishmen as Themselves: Notes for an Inquiry into Basic Biases. 9:188-194.
1979  Variant English Spellings of Virginia and Maryland Indian Place-Names Before 1620. 10:43-59.
1980  The Manuscript “Instructions for a Voyage to New England” (1608-1610?). 11:135- 142.
1981  The Feasibility of Establishing Key-Spellings for Indian Place-Names in the Index to The Complete Works of Captain John Smith. 12:21-30.
Barl-El, Leora
Leora Barl-El
1998  Intonational Pauses in Plains Cree. 29:30-42.
Becker, Marshall J.
Marshall J. Becker
2005  Penobscot Wampum Belt Use during the 1722-1727 Conflict in Maine 36:23-51.
Bédard, Rachel
Rachel Bédard, Alan Ford, & Marie Andrée Hammond
1980  Les rapports morphologiques entre les verbes TI, TA et AI en montagnais. 11:274-282.
Belanger, Yale
Yale Belanger
2001  “The region teemed with abundance’‘: Interlake Saulteaux Concepts of Territory and Sovereignty 32:17-34.
Bennett, Jo Anne
Jo Anne Bennett & John W. Berry
1989  The Meaning and Value of the Syllabic Script for Native People. 20:31-42.
1990  Notions of Competence in People of Northern Ontario. 21:36-50.
1992  Changing Concepts of Self in Northern Ontario Communities and Some Implications for the Future. 23:12-21.
Berbaum, Sylvie
Sylvie Berbaum
1997  Activité onirique et forme musicale dans la culture ojibwa. 28:14-22.
Berkes, Fikret
Fikret Berkes
1986  Chisasibi Cree Hunters and Missionaries: Humour as Evidence of Tension. 17:15-26.
Richard J. Preston, Fikret Berkes & Peter J. George
1995  Perspectives on Sustainable Development in the Moose River Basin. 26:379-393.
Berry, John W.
Jo Anne Bennett & John W. Berry
1989  The Meaning and Value of the Syllabic Script for Native People. 20:31-42.
1990  Notions of Competence in People of Northern Ontario. 21:36-50.
1992  Changing Concepts of Self in Northern Ontario Communities and Some Implications for the Future. 23:12-21.
Bird, Louis
Doug Hamm & Louis Bird
2000  Amoe: Legends of the Omushkegowak. 31:144-160.
Bishop, Charles A.
Charles A. Bishop
1975  The Origin of the Speakers of the Severn Dialect. 6:196-208.
1989  The Question of Ojibwa Clans. 20:43-61.
2002  Northern Ojibwa Emergence: The Migration 33:13-109.
Gordon M. Day and Charles A. Bishop
1986  How We Came to Be: The Algonquian Conference in Perspective. 17:93-100.
Black, M. Jean
M. Jean Black
1989  Nineteenth-Century Algonquin Culture Change. 20:62-69.
Black-Rogers, Mary
Mary Black-Rogers
1990  Fosterage and Field Data: The Round Lake Study 1989. 21:51-71.
1993  A Tale of Two Ethnicities: Identity and Ethnicity at Lake of Two Mountains, 1721- 1850. 24:1-7.
Mary Black-Rogers & Edward S. Rogers
1980  Adoption of Patrilineal Surname System by Bilateral Northern Ojibwa: Mapping the Learning of an Alien System. 11:198-230.
1983  The Cranes and their Neighbours, 1770-1970. 14:91-124.
Blacksmith, Louise
Marie-Odile Junker & Louise Blacksmith
1994  Reduplication in East Cree. 25:265-273.
2001  Obviation, Coreference and Relational Verb Forms in East Cree 32:258-268.
Blain, Eleanor M.
Eleanor M. Blain
1987  Speech of the Lower Red River Settlement. 18:7-16.
1992  A Prosodic Look at Ojibwa Reduplication. 23:22-44.
1995  Emphatic <em>wiya</em> in Plains Cree. 26:22-34.
1998  The Role of Hierarchies and Alignment in Direct/Inverse. 29:53-56.
Blick, Jeffrey P.
Jeffrey P. Blick
2000  The Archaeology and Ethnohistory of the Dog in Virginia Algonquian Culture as Seen from Weyanoke Old Town. 31:1-17.
Bliss, Heather
Heather Bliss
2007  Object Agreement in Blackfoot: Sentient and Non-Sentient Controllers. 38:11-28.
Bousquet, Marie-Pierre
Marie-Pierre Bousquet
2005  Des lois, des cartes et des valeurs sociales : Les débats générationnels dans une communauté algonquine du Québec 36:53-74.
2006  A Generation in Politics: The Alumni of the Saint-Marc-de-Figuery Residential School 37:1-17.
2008 A Question of Emotions and a Matter of Respect: Interpreting Conversion to Catholicism Among Quebec Algonquins. 29:52–71.
2012 Why did the Catholic Cult of Saints not Function among the Algonquians? 40:59–78.
Bragdon, Kathleen J.
Kathleen J. Bragdon
1979  Probate Records as a Source for Algonquian Ethnohistory. 10:136-141.
1981  Linguistic Acculturation in Massachusett: 1663-1771. 12:121-132.
1986  Native Economy on Eighteenth Century Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. 17:27-42.
Branigan, Phil
Phil Branigan & Marguerite MacKenzie
2002  Word Order Variation at the Left Periphery in Innu-aimûn 33:110-119.
Phil Branigan, Julie Brittain & Carrie Dyck
2005  Balancing Syntax and Prosody in the Algonquian Verb Complex 36:75-93.
Brittain, Julie
Julie Brittain
1996  Two negative morphemes in Sheshâtshît Montagnais (innu-aimun): apû and ekâ. 27:25-36.
1997  A metrical analysis of primary stress placement in southern East Cree. 28:23-33.
Julie Brittain & Carrie Dyck
2006  Initial Change as Abstract Vowel Realization 37:19-35.
Julie Brittain, Carrie Dyck, Yvan Rose & Marguerite MacKenzie
2007  The Chisasibi Child Language Acquisition Study (cclas): A Progress Report. 38:29-45.
Brown, Jennifer S.H.
Jennifer S.H. Brown
1975  Fur Traders, Racial Categories, and Kinship Networks. 6:209-222.
1977  James Settee and his Cree Tradition: An Indian Camp at the Mouth of Nelson River Hudsons Bay. 8:36-49.
1982  The Track to Heaven: The Hudson Bay Cree Religious Movement of 1842-1843. 13:53-63.
1985  Central Manitoba Salteaux in the 19th Century. 16:1-8.
1987  A.I. Hallowell and William Berens Revisited. 18:17-27.
2006  Older Persons in Cree and Ojibwe Stories: Gender, Power, and Survival 37:439-449.
2012 As for Me and My House: Zhaawanaash and Methodism at Berens River, 1874–1883. 40: 79-96 
Bruening, Benjamin
Benjamin Bruening
2001  Constraints on Dependencies in Passamaquoddy 32:35-60.
Bryce, Robert
Robert Bryce
1998  Bible Translation in Algonquian Languages. 29:57-61.
Buchner, A.P.
Clinton Joliffe Wheeler & A.P. Buchner
1975  Rock Art: A Metalinguistic Interpretation of the Algonkian Word for Stone. 6:362-371.
Burke, Adrian L.
Adrian L. Burke
2001  Témiscouata: Traditional Maliseet Territory and Connections between the St. Lawrence Valley and the St. John River Valley 32:61-73.
Burleson, Richard
Richard Burleson
1987  Opposition of Musical Order in a Cree Round-Dance Song. 18:29-38.
2004  The Time-Pitch Axis in Traditional Music of the First Nations 35:35-44.
2006  Encountering Changing Currents in the Music of the First Nations 37:37-47.
Burnaby, Barbara
Barbara Burnaby
1976  Algonquian Languages in Indian Education. 7:436-449.
1980  Writing in Recently Alphabetized Languages. 11:159-165.
1981  Language Shift in Northern Ontario. 12:114-120.
1982  On the Success of School Programmes Involving a Native Language. 13:251-259.
1983  Towards a National Policy for Language in Native Education. 14:3-11.
1984  Orthography Characteristics for Real Readers. 15:1-14.
1986  Speakers of Canadian Aboriginal Languages: Perspectives from the 1981 Census. 17:43-63.
1987  English Language Curriculum Development for Algonquian-Speaking Children. 18:39-48.
1993  Aboriginal Teaching Personnel: Contradictions and Dilemmas. 24:8-16.
Barbara Burnaby, Marguerite MacKenzie & Luci Bobbish Salt
1998  Factors in Aboriginal Mother Tongue Education: The Cree School Board Case. 29:62-73.
Burnaby, Barbara J.
Barbara J. Burnaby
2004  The Linguistic Situation of the Innu in Labrador in light of Fishman’s Model 35:45-60.
Buszard-Welcher, Laura
Laura Buszard-Welcher
1997  Language use and language loss in the Potawatomi community: a report on the Potawatomi Language Institute. 28:34-43.